Assignment 1.2
In this task, we are required to create a rhythm wall in order to visualize the music to the movement. The keywords of reggae are relax, chill, release and kind of beach feeling.My wall was following the size that has fixed which is 2400mm x 2400mm x 300mm. So, I have decided to create the wavy movement with the material of felt paper. Felt paper created smooth surface as related to reggae with the smooth beat that never ever change the 4/4 times to another time beat. The waves represents feeling of reggae and bring out the entire movement. I was focusing on the newer style of reggae contains the remix as Hip Hop, EDM, Rocks and others. The difference thickness of felt paper represents the remix of reggae fusion while all the wavy intersected together with different type of thickness would be symbolize the reggae music has sink in to the people mind and heart. Moreover, the swirl express the evolution from old to newer style reggae. The tagline 'FALL IN FLOW' means follow the wavy lines that you would enjoy to the activity that fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus. The function of my rhythm wall could be displayed little things.
Characteristic of my rhythm wall: - Repetitive
- Smooth